What Are The Signs Of A Malfunctioning Water Softener?

Water softeners work well for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t malfunction. If you have a water softener system and you want to know if it’s failing, then here are the signs.

The Water Isn’t Soft

Well, that’s bizarre, isn’t it? A water softener is supposed to make hard water soft, so if the equipment isn’t doing its job right, then there is something wrong with it. The same can be the case with a water softener. See, sometimes, a water softener can malfunction either because it’s too old or hasn’t been maintained in a long time, so this can lead to it not working properly. This will, in turn, cause the hard water to stay hard within the water softener.

This is something that can be alarming and if you don’t fix the problem right away, then it can turn your perfectly good water softener into a pile of garbage. So, if you have a problem with hard water in your house, for which you got a water softener in the first place, then you need to get it fixed otherwise you will have to resort to getting a new water softener.

It will ensure that you can catch the problem when it’s still in the initial phase and you can get done with the work, allowing your water softener to run smoothly for a long time to come.

White Scale Everywhere

This is also not normal. If you have a water softener in your house, and you are seeing white and crusty deposits on faucets, taps, and other things, then you need to be alert, because it’s never a good sign.

Usually, a water softener that isn’t softening hard water can be the cause of it. So, if you see something like this, then you need to get it checked right away because that is not ideal.


When it comes to water softeners, they produce water that is not only soft but also free of all kinds of color and odor. So, if you see your water tinged in color, then that is not normal and it indicates that a water softener is malfunctioning. So, why does the water discolor? Well, the main culprit is hard water.

The calcium and magnesium ions are not being removed from the water and it is depositing in the pipes or even in stagnant water, causing water to turn murky in color. This is a very alarming reason and it indicates that your water softener needs checking because it is not softening hard water.

Leaking Water Softener

This is also another alarming sign of a malfunctioning water softener. If you see puddles of water on the floor where the water softener is set, then that is not what you want to see. Leaking water softeners are not only useless, but they can also be dangerous, especially if there are live wires near.

So, what you want to do is turn off the water softener immediately and check where the leak is coming from. It can either be from the brine tank, the inlet or outlet valve, or a leaking pipe. Whatever it is, you need to get it fixed, before you power on the water softener.

Replacing Salt Frequently

Water softeners are usually salt-based, which means that they rely on salt to soften hard water. Well, if your water softener is suddenly using way too much salt, then you need to check it for a problem.

See, a fully functional water softener needs salt replacement every 2 months or so, depending on the use. However, if you feel like the water softener needs more salt replenishment before this time frame, then something is wrong.

This can happen because the softener is using too much salt in the regeneration process and it needs to be recalibrated, or there might be another service-related issue that needs looking into.

Not Replacing Salt At All

While using a lot of salt is a problem, so is the softener not using any salt and the problem behind it can be deposits of salt in the brine tank. See, the brine tank is a tank that has water and salt in it.

Sometimes, the salt can get mixed with water and crystallize. This can lead to the formation of a salt layer in the brine tank and that is not ideal. It can choke the water softener and it can also lead to the water softener not softening water at all since it’s not using any salt. You can try cleaning the brine tank.

Sand In The Water?

If the water coming from your water softener has small particles in it that look like sand, then that is resin. It can occur due to the damage on the resin bed and it can escape from its original place and find its way into the water.

This is a simple fix and you just need to replace the water softener screen, since that is the damaged part. Once you replace it, then the sand will disappear with no trace.

However, if you tap water has sand in it, then water softeners can’t remove it. You should get a water filtration system Warren for it.

High Electricity Bills

Another thing that could indicate a malfunctioning water softener is high electricity bills along with no results. When a water softener malfunctions, it can constantly run idly, trying to regenerate itself, but that won’t ever reach completion because something is wrong.

This will cause the water softener to use more electricity and it will also show in your monthly utility bills. So, if you are seeing ridiculously high bills for the last couple of months, then you need to check your water softener because something is wrong with it.

Water Heater Breaking Down

This is also very common. When your water softener is malfunctioning, so will your water heater. It’s like a domino effect of your worst nightmares.

See, a water heater has a heating element. It is usually a coil or a metal wire of sorts that is coiled to make a distinct shape. Anyway, the coil can get covered in mineral deposits and that is where the downfall of the water heater begins. If the heating element is covered in deposits, then it won’t heat the water and it will ultimately break down after a couple of months.

Noisy Water Softener

Your water softener can also sound like it’s malfunctioning. Usually, a water softener makes a light humming sound when it is going through a regeneration cycle, and that is normal. What’s not though, is the water softener making hissing or clicking sounds. That is usually indicative of faulty valves, mineral buildup, and even mechanical problems.

These can go unnoticed, especially if you’re not one for maintaining a water softener regularly. So, it’s always crucial to look out for strange noises in the water softener, because it can be a clear giveaway of malfunctioning.


Water softener problems are not something that can’t be dealt with or fixed, but you need to know the telltale signs so that you can get to the bottom of the problem. If the water softener is old and breaks down often, you should have it removed and consider water softener installation Erie of a better model.

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